Yttrium as a Lead Substitute in Electrodeposition Coatings


Yttrium is a chemical substance which is represented by Y symbol and has atomic number 39. Yttrium is a transitional metallic which is silvery in color and resembles the lanthanides and is grouped as a rare earth element. It occurs in group 3 and period 5 with electronic configuration of [Kr] 4d15S2 in the periodic table. It often exists together with the lanthanides in nature and also has only one naturally occurring isotope 89Y.  Yttrium finds many uses in different disciplines, for instance, it is used as an additive in alloys, microwave filters of radar, catalyst in the ethane polymerization, lasers that are employed in cutting the metals. The Yttrium oxide is used in glasses for making camera lenses to enable the camera lenses to be shock and heat resistant. The radioactive 90Y   is applied in the medical applications like the treatment of liver cancer. In 2001, the PPG Industries received an award for their improvement of Yttrium as an alternative substitute for lead-based coats in the electro-deposition in the automobiles. In their study, they stated that Yttrium was protecting the materials against corrosion as the same as the lead inhibitors and it is 100 times safer. The protective coatings and paints that are employed on the automobiles contain a small percentage of corrosion inhibitors combined with the paints. The chemicals that are applied to the metal surface to protect them against the chemical reactions, which occur as a result of the dissolved water and oxygen which exist in the environment, are known as corrosion inhibitors. The electrochemical techniques referred to as the electro-deposition is the best way to cover the motor vehicles with protective agents together with the paints (Kete et al.  11239).
In the early days, commonly employed corrosion inhibitors in the automobile industries were lead-based substances.  The application of the lead in the paints caused a significant risk to human health.  The risk posed by the lead-based compounds made the U.S Government to come up with regulations which aimed at removing the lead-based substances in the residential paints.  The low cost of the lead and effective as anti-corrosive forced the US Government to allow the use of the lead in the automobile industries (Cann, and Umile 65).
However, the PPG Industries found that Yttrium metal can substitute lead in the protection of vehicles from corrosion. The Yttrium has many pros over the lead and due to this makes it a suitable substitute for the use of the lead in automobiles. For instance, it is twice as abundant as lead in the ground, contains 1/120 toxicity of lead and be easily substituted for lead or lead-based substances in electro-deposition process. Yttrium as the alternative green solution for replacing the lead-based inhibitors in automobiles, In this paper, the yttrium-based inhibitors as the alternative substitute of lead-based inhibitors for electro-deposition, chemistry of corrosion are addressed.
              Various untreated metal objects, for example, steel automobiles and an untreated sheet of the metal go through a corrosion process. Corrosion is an electrochemical degradation process, where the metals are oxidized to substances which are eroded quickly.  In America, corrosion is anticipated to have contributed to $20.91 billion costs incurred by the motor vehicle owners for changing of automotive parts, automobile depreciation and maintenance (Cann, and Umile 65).  The oxidation of the metal of the iron with the dissolved water and oxygen is commonly known an example of corrosion. The reaction between the iron metal and the dissolved oxygen and water yields the rust (hydrated red-orange iron oxide) which is represented chemically as Fe2O3.H2O.

The oxidation chemical substances differ according to their position in the electrochemical series.  The standard electrode potential (E˚) is the quantitative measure used to determine the ease by which a substance losses or accept electrons.  The electrical energy is needed to cause the redox reaction to occur. When the potential of the reduction (E˚rex) is known, and one needs to obtain the potential of the oxidation (E˚oxi,) then one needs to change the sign of the reduction potential. For instance, the potential reduction of lead ion is -0.13, the opposite of this become the possible oxidation (+0.13). Metals are oxidized (corrode) by either one or more of the following chemical reactions:
2Fe 2Fe2+ + 4e- ……………………………………………..Oxidation
2H2O + O2 + 4e- 4-OH……………………………………......Reduction
4-OH+ 2Fe 2Fe (OH) 2     
2H2O + 2H2O + O2 2Fe (OH) 2……………………….......... Overall reaction
The last reaction is the formation of the rust as follows:
O2 + 4Fe (OH) 2 4H2O + 2Fe2O3.H2O
             In the early studies, it was found that water alone can cause corrosion due to its negative electrode potential.  However, water is not a strong oxidizing agent, but when it is placed in the oxygenated or low pH environment it oxidizing power increases for a given half-reaction. Corrosion is more pronounced in the environment containing both the dissolved oxygen and acid, such environment has strong standard potential (E˚) that is capable of oxidizing different types of metals (Subba, Anantha, and Venkatesha 3200).
             For one to inhibit the corrosion from taking place, a substance (corrosion inhibitor) is added to the metal surface.  There are various ways in which the corrosion inhibitors work. For example, corrosion inhibitor can act as the protective layer occurring on the surface of the metal. The corrosion inhibitor on the surface of the metal functions as a barrier making it impossible for the corrosion causative agents to pass through into the metal. The inhibitors which are readily oxidized than the metal can be added to the metal surface.  This process of adding corrosion inhibitor on the metal surface is referred as the scarification of the inhibitor. The corrosion inhibitors that are used as the scarification process have more positive values of electrode potential.  The passivation is another way of preventing corrosion from occurring. The passivation is the process in which the corrosion inhibitors increase the electrode potential of the metals. The passivation facilitates the formation of a thin layer of the own metal's insoluble oxide which protects the metal beneath from oxidation.
            The most commonly used substances as corrosion inhibitors are the lead-based inhibitors, this due to their low cost and efficient in the protecting metal against corrosion.  Nevertheless, they contribute to human health risk.  In the US, it was reported that the absorption of the lead into the body can result in the destruction of the nervous system, stimulates the behavioral and learning problems hence results in problems of the reproductive system.  In the same study, it was stated that the adults can come in contact with the lead in two ways; the lead in old homes and the lead that contaminated domestic water (Cann, and Umile 65). Lead has a greater risk to children as compared to adults; since children can eat small lead-containing objects and also the nervous system of the children are still in their developing stages.  Due to these obvious risks forced the U.S government to eliminate the lead-based containing substances with the focused on the residential paints, with the exemption on the use the lead-based corrosion inhibitors for trucks, cars.
            A Greater percentage (55%) of the automobiles is coming from steel.  Electro-deposition technique is used to protect the steel from the corrosion.  Electro-deposition encompasses, placing and an item in the bath which contains the electro-coat.  The placing of the metal in the bath is followed by the application of the electrical current on the metal surface.  The application of electrical current makes paints and the corrosion inhibitors to be absorbed on the surface of the metal. One example of the electro-deposition is the protecting steel from corrosion by galvanizing. The galvanizing is the electro-deposition where the zinc is coated on the metal surface, hence, forming a layer that prevents the undersurface of the metal from corrosion. However, the galvanizing is expensive, to meet the high automobile demands by the automobile industry. Therefore, cheap alternative corrosion inhibitors are needed. In 2001, yttrium was developed to replace the lead-based coating materials by the PPG Industries (Cann, and Umile 65).  In the study of the PPG industries found that yttrium gives the best protective layer when it is electrodeposited on the metal steel.  When yttrium is added to the metal surface by the electro-deposition process, a small percentage of the yttrium oxide precipitate is formed on the steel surface. The yttrium oxide formed on the metal surface passivates the metal; this leads to the formation of the insoluble ferrite on the metal surface thus guarding the underneath of steel from corrosion.
          For the corrosion inhibitors to be used in coating metal surface, they must meet certain conditions. For instance, during the electrodeposition, the coating material bath is exposed to long periods of inactivity, high temperature, compatible with chemicals and high pressures. Therefore, the corrosion inhibitors must meet all the conditions. The yttrium oxide satisfies all the required conditions. Since the yttrium occurs as the yttrium oxide, thus the toxicity is for the oxides but not the yttrium.  Studies showed that the yttrium oxides are non-toxic when ingested. As the same with lead-based compounds, yttrium oxides also find its way to the surrounding during the degradation of the automobile paints, but the yttrium is not a common occurrence in nature (Zhernokleeva, Baranovskaya, and Karpov 1062).  Even though health risks of yttrium have not been studied, it is believed that it is not dangerous.  The yttrium oxide which is used as corrosion inhibitors in paints is insoluble, and it is not toxic. The yttrium isotope 90 is applied in the medical field; studies indicate it treats various kinds of cancer, and this means when the ytrtrium-90 isotope is exposed to the surrounding it can be of benefit to human.
        Research shows that by introducing the yttrium-based corrosion inhibitors in the automobile industry can replace approximately one million of the lead being employed in the automobile industries yearly.  The use of the yttrium-based as coating materials offer greater safety and prevent unwanted exposure of users to the lead poisoning during the refining and mining process. The effectiveness of yttrium against corrosion is comparable to the lead, and since yttrium is of lighter atomic weight (Da 88.9) as compared with lead (207.2 Da), this makes it possible for less of the amount by weight of yttrium to be applied as the electro-coat than lead.
          Yttrium has another advantage over the lead as the corrosion inhibitor. For example, lead-based coating materials need the use of the chromium and nickel at the pre-treatment stage to facilitate corrosion resistance and adhesion on the metal surface. The employment of nickel and chromium in the process results in the production of large amounts of wastes containing chromium and nickel. However, yttrium does not need the application of nickel and chromium at the pre-treatment stage.  This characteristic the yttrium poses (chromium-nickel free treatments) is paramount in the reduction of the amount of chromium (50,000 pounds) and nickel(25,000 pounds) utilized in the automobile industries(PPG)(Cann and Umile 64). 
          The use of the yttrium oxide as the coating substance inhibitor to substitute the lead-based compounds in preventing metals from corrosion has more pros than cons. As discussed in this paper before, the pros the yttrium has over the lead-based compounds enable one to understand the urgent need for the increase of the use of yttrium-based compounds in the automobile industries. These advantages of the yttrium in the electro-deposition of the runs from the health sector to the treatment process of the electro-deposition. For instance, the early studies indicate that isotope 90 of the yttrium finds use in treating various kinds of the cancers like liver cancer. The yttrium is also considered as safer as compared to lead-based inhibitors; it is 1/120 toxic as lead. Therefore, it is advantageous to be used as the electrocoating materials. The chromium-nickel free associated with the use of yttrium as the corrosion inhibitors reduce the material wastes, reduce the company production cost and prevent the pollution of the environment. The yttrium oxide is non-toxic, hence, when yttrium oxide is exposed to the environment, the yttrium does not cause any risk to human health. This characteristic of yttrium makes yttrium the best candidate for the substitution of the lead-based substances which have greater risks to people's health and they involve in additional steps during the electro-deposition process (addition of nickel and chromium in the pre-treatment stage (Protsenko, and Danilov 1203). The abundance of the yttrium in the earth crust is another advantage, yttrium is twice as abundant as the amount of the lead, and this abundance makes it an excellent substitute of the lead-based corrosion inhibitors.
           Since the introduction of the yttrium-based substances as the corrosion inhibitors in the automobile industry in 2001 by the PPG industries, many manufacturing automobile industries like the General Motors, Volkswagen, Ford, Mitsubishi and Nissan were using the PPG Industries' yttrium-based corrosion inhibitors.  The research shows that by 2006 thirty-eight million of the motor vehicles had started employing the utilization of the yttrium-based corrosion inhibitors in their production process, and this has led to the removal of the lead-based compounds as the corrosion inhibitors in almost all of the consumers' applications (Kim et al. 295).
          For the yttrium-based corrosion inhibitors to be effective, then one must understand the chemistry used in the chemicals applied in the paints, this to ensure compatibility of the paints with the electro-coat. The electro-deposition process should also be taken into consideration, for yttrium-based inhibitors, the best electro-deposition that should be applied is the passivation electro-deposition method. The passivation technique ensures the formation of the thin layer on the metal surface and substantially reduces the corrosion rate. Therefore, the yttrium is the best as the lead substitute in electro-deposition coating since its importance in its application in the automobile industry outweighs it cons and also it is safer as compared with the lead-based corrosion inhibitors.
Works cited
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