
Showing posts from May, 2022

Impact of Antifederalists on the USA Constitution

  Introduction The Antifederalists were composed of individuals who contradicted the endorsement of the constitution. Though they were not adequately organized compared to federalists, they were great leaders among them who were protuberant in state politics. These great Antifederalists were political elites such as Smith Melancton from New York, Winthrop James of Massachusetts, Mason George, and Henry Patrick from Virginia (U.S. History, par. 2). Moreover, a large group of ordinary American citizens supported these Antifederalists. Most of them were yeomen farmers who dominated rural America. The Antifederalists had different opinions on their opposition to the ratification of the American Constitution. However, they shared a core view of the politics of America. The Antifederalists thought that the main jeopardy for the future of the United States of America depended on the potential U.S. government to become a corrupt country and grab more power until U.S. government totalitarian

Application for YALI Regional Leadership Center Program, Cohorts 43, 44, and 45

  An alumnus receives a certificate after the completion of the training  Warren Bennis once said, "The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That's nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born." With this in mind, are you someone who wants to acquire relevant skills to develop your community or self-development? You are not necessarily to be in political positions to change people's lives in your community. You can join the young people out there to develop different policies to change the status quo. If you are that person, the YALI program is the best program for you. Alumani at Ruiri Prison Training College  So, what is YALI? It is an abbreviation of Young African Leaders Initiative. The program was launched by the former president of the United States of America, Barrack Obama, to invest in future leaders in Africa. Based on statistics, about one out of three Africans

Cloning and Human Growth Hormone

  S c e n a r i o 1 : W h e n i s C l o n i n g a n O p t i o n? Ne ws paper headl i nes sc r eamed i t, and everyone ta l k ed abou t i t - A SH EE P WAS CLON E D! Sc i en t i sts crea t ed an exact d up l i cate of a s hee p fr om a body cell. No one could dup l i cate t he work done i n the Scott i s h lab for some time. Then a mo u se was cloned, and no w a number  o f m i ce clone s have been p r oduced . I n the shee p and m ouse clon i ng , a bo dy cell was r emoved and i ts nucleus p lace d i nto a no t he r animal's  egg cell. Then , an e l ectr i cal c u rre n t was sent th r ough the cell , and i t st a r ted d i v i d i ng . A p phy s i c ist t i n Ch i cago has announced t hat he i s sett i ng up a laboratory t o do hu man cloning . He says that if laws are passed aga i nst i t , he w i l l move h i s lab to a not he r country. Anthony Lun i ng was m ore than cu r i ous abou t clon i ng . Start i ng w