
Showing posts from February, 2018

Glucogenic/glycogenic and Ketogenic Amino Acids

  You can improve your biochemistry understanding by reading Biochemistry FOR Dummies. Get it through this link,  Biochemistry FOR Dummies. The classification of amino acids depends on the seven intermediates produced during their catabolism or whether the amino acids are synthesized in the body or not. Therefore, amino acids can either be ketogenic or glucogenic/glycogenic or both ketogenic and glycogenic or nonessential or essential. Essential amino acids are amino acids that body cannot synthesize. Therefore, they are obtained from the diet. On the other hand, nonessential amino acids are amino acids that are synthesized in the body.  Glucogenic/glycogenic amino acids These are amino acids whose catabolism produces pyruvate or any of the intermediate of the citric acid cycle. Furthermore, glycogenic amino acids can either be essential or nonessential amino acids.  Glycogenic essential amino acid (s) Histidine Methionine Valine Threonine  Glycogenic none