
Showing posts from January, 2017

Can genetic influence infidelity in human relationships?

I nfidelity in human relationships maybe as a result of genetic influence, research reveals.  Various studies have linked infidelity in human relationships to a particular type of gene, AVPR1A variation. Researchers discovered that the human version of AVPR1A examination in volves, appear to have adverse impacts on men’s relationships with their partners. Volves are mouse-like animals. According to research conducted by Jenae Neiderhiser and colleagues indicates that men who are in a stable relationship for at least five years and have one or two copies of ‘allele 334’ seem to be less bonded to their wives as compared to men who possess other types of genes. Janae Neiderhiser is a professor of psychology at Penn State. Besides, their findings show that women who were in a relationship with these men reported less cohesion, consensus, and affection in their relationships. Surprisingly, these women reported high levels of marital satisfaction as compared to women in rela

How to Distinguish Bad and Good Real Estate Deals

Sometimes it becomes a tiresome job for a real estate investor to differentiate between good and bad property deals. In many instances, several investors land on bad deals. But with the numbers in the pro forma and the aid of Real Estate Evaluator , the quest process is always successful. Pro forma contains many items; however, one should pay attention to the following for a good deal. Location Location indicates whether the deal is good or not. The property which is located away from the main business hub often has low prices. Properties in the upscale areas attract high prices. A property with lower prices than average prices in a particular area is recommended. Price per square foot or cost per unit When comparing properties with many units, price unit or cost per square foot is important. In some situations, a buyer can find a deal with high cost per unit. Nevertheless, when the units of a property are larger and with good footage than the average units in the area, the

How to stop drinking and drug addiction using passion plant

Alcohol is one of top three problems in public health. It is the third global leading cause of premature death and ill-health. For, instance, in Europe, ethanol (alcohol) is the third risk factor for mortality and disease, after high blood pressure and tobacco. Over the past years, the misuse of therapeutic and the use of illegal drugs have increased significantly. Their effects are evidenced in different parts of the world. The adverse effects of substance abuse and alcohol cannot be accentuated. Every community is fighting it. According to research (KMS workers based in Nairobi) conducted by  Pamela N. Kaithuru , the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Kenya reveals that 33% of workers drink alcohol. She further argues that alcohol has an effect on the quality and rate of work.  49% of interviewees agreed that alcohol results in reduced work rate and poor quality of work. According to  NACADA (National Agency for Campaign Against Drugs Authority) and  WHO (Wo

Top Seven Insurance Companies offering Education Plan in Kenya

Giving your child brighter future is the most important thing in one's life. In this age there are various  ways you can make the future of your child brighter, for instance, providing your child with the quality of education. The most viable method you can ensure you child gets a quality education is by having a plan how to fund his or her future education. Funding child's future education without problems in the future can be achieved through insurance companies or other investments. There are various insurance companies in Kenya which offer Education Plan . However, some have advantages over others regarding service delivery to their customers.  DOWNLOAD THE LIST HERE , it encompasses top seven insurance companies in Kenya that provide Education Plan. The list also consists of policy description and benefits of some Education Plans offered by these companies. Before one chooses any Education Plan from any   insurance company in Kenya , one should know the curren

Sugar canes preparation for sugar juice extraction

Preparation of sugar canes takes place in a Pre-mill section in sugar processing industries. Preparation involves; cutting sugar canes into small pieces by cutters and shredders. This prepares sugar canes for milling to ensure maximum extraction of juice from the canes. Reducing sugar canes into small pieces increases their surface area hence enables the mills to press them against each other to extract maximum sugar juice. In most sugar processing industries, there are two cutters or shredders (first and second). The first cutter deals with cutting sugar canes into small pieces. On the other hand, second cutter tenders or masks the sugar canes into sugar cane fibres. Main and Auxiliary Cane Carriers transport sugar canes from pre-mills to mills. Auxiliary Cane Carrier starts from the Cane Tables. The Main Cane Carrier commences from cutters (1 and 2). Along the Main Cane Carrier from cutter two, there is a presence of permanent magnet which traps any magnetic materials tha

19 Plants (parts) to avoid using during pregnancy

  These are some of the plant parts (leaves, roots, bark, etc.) people should avoid during the time of pregnancy. Bold-there is less research on its adverse effects during pregnancy. However, it can affect the fetus. Coffee tree-it reduces the growth of fetal. Licorice-when used for an extended period it causes hypertension. Mugwort- it leads to the risk of abortion and emmenagogue (upsurges menstrual flow. Pomegranate-its bark contains toxic alkaloids, hence can cause fetal alteration. Parsley- it can result in a risk of abortion and emmenagogue. Rhubarb- it causes congestion of the pelvic, and it is purgative. Sage- it stimulates the release of oxytocin and also causes the contraction of the uterus. Saffron-when taken to a high dosages results in abortion risks. Tansy- stimulates the menstrual flow and abortion risks. Jalap- it is purgative, it causes risk of abortion and increases the menstrual flow. Fraxinella- it upsurges the menstrual flow and abortion