Does Acid make steel rust faster?


Rust causes major destruction in different parts of the world. It destroys iron corrugated houses roofs, fella fridges, cars, sink ships and so on.  Rust is referred to as the evil and great destroyer. In   U.S rust costs Americans nearly $ 4000 yearly greater than the cost of all the natural disaster combined.  Rust is a reddish brown substance formed on the surface of metals like steel and aluminum. Rust is an electrochemical process that needs the presence of an electrolyte (Fe), oxygen (O) and water (H2O), which electrolytes react with oxygen in the presence of water to form an iron (iii) oxide or FeO3.H2O. When water consisting of small quantity of dissolved oxygen, the electrolyte (Fe) is oxidized as shown in the equation:
Fe(s) →Fe2+ (aq) + 2e-
The electrons produced in the process are quickly accepted by the dissolved oxygen (O2 (aq)) and hydrogen ions from water and this reaction occur at the edge of the water to produce water.
O2 (aq) + 4H+ + 4e- →H2O (l)
When water is made acidic, the corrosion rate also increases. In early studies, it was observed that when the pH is very low (more acidic), the hydrogen ions will take up electrons, but yield hydrogen gas instead of water.
2H+ + 2e- →H2 (g)
As the iron corrodes, the hydrogen ions are consumed in the rusting process and the pH of the water rises, at this moment, hydroxyl ions (-OH) start forming in water. The resulting hydroxyl ions react with iron (ii) ions (Fe2+) to give green insoluble iron (ii) hydroxides (green rust).
(-OH)(aq) + Fe2+ (aq) →Fe (OH) 2(s)
The produced iron (ii) hydroxide further reacts with hydrogen to produce iron (iii) ions;
4H+ + O2 (aq) + 4Fe2+(aq) →2H2O(aq) + 4Fe3+(aq)
The resultant iron (iii) ions react with hydroxide ions to yield hydrated iron (iii) hydroxide (oxides):
3(-OH) (aq) + Fe3+ (aq) →Fe (OH) 3(s)
The Fe (OH) 3 can easily changes to into crystallized form (Fe2O3.H2O), which is the reddish-brown substance formed the surface of metals (rust). 

Steel is an iron alloy, composed of different elements with the carbon as the major component. Since the steel contains an iron element, it is therefore affected by rust.  The objective of this paper was to employ the use of less expensive and non-hazardous materials to determine the link between the rust formation and the acid. The hypotheses of the study were: (1) the temperature will increase with the decrease in the pH (solution becoming more acidic). (2)The steel wool in the in acidic setup will rust faster than steel wool in the distilled water system due to the presence of more hydrogen ions which speed up the rusting process. (3) The temperature will rise when the steel wool is in contact with the acid as the result of the oxidation process.

Materials and methods
 Lemon juice, vinegar, distilled water; thermometer, stopwatch and electrode pH meter, disposable gloves, quality steel wool, three test tubes, three small bowls, ruler (15cm), scissors, tall plastic cup and thin towel were used in this experiment. The independent variables were pH and time while the dependent variables were mass, temperature and length of the formation of rust.
Three iron wool pads of 1 inch were prepared and put aside.  A 10ml of lemon juice, vinegar, and distilled water were measured and poured into the three small bowls distinctively (each solution per each small bowl). The thermometer was inserted in the rubber stopper and then placed in a test tube, followed by recording the temperature of the thermometer (in degree Celsius). One of the prepared steel wool pads was soaked in the lemon juice for 30 seconds. After 30 minutes, the steel wool pad was taken out and the excess liquid was squeezed out from it. The thermometer was quickly removed from the test tube and the soaked steel wool pad placed onto the thermometer beneath the rubber stopper. The thermometer was returned in a test tube, following by closing the stopper. The test tube was wrapped with a thin towel and placed upright position in the tall plastic cup to ensure that the thermometer readings are visible. 
The stopwatch was started and the temperature was recording (in degree Celsius) in the sequence of 0, 1, 5 and 10 minutes. The thermometer was removed from the test tube and the steel wool pad examined, followed by measuring its length and width using 15 centimeters ruler (measurement taken in inches).  This procedure was repeated for vinegar and distilled water solutions. The pH of each solution was taken using electrode pH meter.
Results and discussion 

For the orange juice, before the prepared steel wool pad was soaked in the orange solution, the steel wool pad was grey in color. After the soaking, the steel pad turned to reddish brown and the bottom of the test tube was light brown in color. The steel wool pad became hard, shrunk and its length increased with time, from 1 inch at 0 minutes to the maximum length of 1.8 inches while its width remained unchanged (1 inch). The temperature also rose from 25.8 degree Celsius to a maximum temperature of 35 degree Celsius.  On the other hand, in the vinegar solution, the steel wool pad after soaking changed to reddish brown, and the test tube bottom had light brown color. The steel wool pad shortened in size in the formed circle. The steel wool pad became hard and this hardness made the steel wool pad pieces to fall off.  The length of the wool pad became shorter while its width lengthened from 1 inch to 2 inches. The temperature the steel wool pad increased from 26 to a maximum temperature of thirty-seven degree Celsius.
For distilled water, the grey color of the steel wool pad persisted with an exception of small observable brown spots. The temperature of the wool pad remained unchanged (25 degree Celsius) while its length slightly changed at 10 minutes, and there was no change in its width. The rate of rust formation was greater in vinegar, followed by lemon juice while there was no significant formation in distilled water.
Conclusion and reflections     
The results indicated that the rust formation was paramount in the acid solution (lemon juice and vinegar) and slight notable rust formation with distilled water. The rate of rust formation in the acids varied with the concentration of the acids. The vinegar (pH=3.09) which is less acidic than lemon juice (pH=2.60) recorded greater quantities of rust as compared with the rust formed by the lemon juice. The vinegar recorded high temperatures for all the trial performed while the temperatures obtained from lemon the steel wool pad soaked in lemon juice were higher than temperatures of the wool pad soaked in distilled water.  The difference between the starting and ending temperature was highest in vinegar solution than in the lemon juice and distilled water.

The results showed that  the acid  increased the rate of rust formation and the rate differ according to the concentration of the acid, for instance, vinegar had a pH=3.09 resulted in the formation of the high amount of rust while the lemon juice which had a pH=2.60  recorded less rust formation as compared to vinegar. Therefore, the first hypothesis of this paper was disapproved. The rust formation did not increase at lower pH. However, the remaining hypotheses were justified. The temperature increased when the steel wool was in contact with the acid due to oxidation process and the acid fastened the rate of rust formation.

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