The reasons for your struggles in relationship

If you are struggling to fall or stay in love, then there might be some biomedical factors which influence this battle. Scientists have revealed the biochemical reasons behind this vice. Anthropologist Helen Fisher the author of “Why We Love” and a leading adviser for, in her research on the brain systems that initiate the forms of love (romantic love, attachment and lust) and the future trends of these forms. She stated that the trend of hook-up which includes; commitment free, fleeting and sexual encounters which do not necessarily involve in sexual intercourse showed the same features as the casual sex in the late twentieth century. However, at the end of the twentieth century sex was not that casual as it is at the moment.   She also argued that in the coming generations, there will be more complications with relationships and this trend will be experienced everywhere worldwide. The primary cause of complications in relationships at the moment and in the next generation is the over -prescription antidepressants which according to Fisher have effects on the sex drive and the brain system which is responsible for the romantic love and attachment. In American for instance, the prescription of antidepressants is rated at 100 million annually (Wegner 55). The serotonin-enhancing medications such as Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil are responsible for the difficulties encounter in the relationships. The Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil are known to affect sex drive negatively, the ability to fall in love and stay in love.  When the level of serotonin increased in human bodies, it overwhelms the dopamine circuits that affect the elation. 

Fisher noted that the majority of Americans are struggling in their relationships, and the divorce is not seen as the failure but an avenue for happiness.  “Keep trying until you get it right’’. She said (Wegner 56).  On the other hand, Gregory Stock, the author of Redesigning Humans stated that the problem with the health care is the adoption of new technologies to enhance human wellbeing without considering the adverse effects of the technology. “We should move from the science of curing us to the science of staying healthy." Stock said (Wegner). Therefore, before you use any medications to boost anything in your body, you should always take into consideration the effects of that drug enhancer in your body. 

Work Cited
Wagner G. Cynthia. “Thinking Globally Acting’’. The Futurist (2007): 54-58.Web


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