
Showing posts from February, 2015

Chemistry and Biochemistry Academy : Unusual behaviour of Lithium aluminium hydride

Chemistry and Biochemistry Academy : Unusual behaviour of Lithium aluminium hydride : Conversion of amides into amines by reduction (RCONH 2 =RCH2NH 2 ) Amides are organic compounds with chemical formula RCONH 2 in ...

Chemistry and Biochemistry Academy : How to make explosive (PETN) (for industrial purpo...

Chemistry and Biochemistry Academy : How to make explosive (PETN) (for industrial purpo... : Explosives are materials (chemicals/nuclear ) that can be initiated to undergo very rapid self-propagating decomposition that results...

Unusual behaviour of Lithium aluminium hydride

Conversion of amides into amines by reduction (RCONH 2 =RCH2NH 2 ) Amides are organic compounds with chemical formula RCONH 2 in which R refers to the hydrocarbon chainand can either be aromatic or aliphatic. Therefore amides are derivative of carboxylic acids where hydroxyl ( - OH) is replaced by amino group (-NH 2 )   or they are organic compounds in which amino groups are attached to carbonyl groups of carboxylic acids or they are conjugate base of anion(the anion H 2 N - ) or organic amine(an anion R 2 N - ). They are reduced by LiAlH 4 / lithium aluminum hydride (reduction by hydride transfer { - H}), usually LiAlH 4 is a powerful reducing agent and reduces ketones, esters, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, nitriles and amide quite rapidly and on hydrolysis gives alcohol as the product. In this case it is different; LiAlH 4 reduces amide to amine instead of alcohol. Reduction is the gain of electron and decreasing of oxidation number or it is a chemical reaction in which

How to make explosive (PETN) (for industrial purposes)

Explosives are materials (chemicals/nuclear ) that can be initiated to undergo very rapid self-propagating decomposition that results in the formation of more stable materials with liberation of heat and large amount of gases. This heat can be tapped and use in industrial applications e.g generation of s team that can be used to turn turbines which can either generates electricity or do some mechanical works (in machines like mills e.t.c). Pentaerythritoltetranitrate is one of secondary explosives. It is an explosive booster/high explosive.   Explosive boosters are made of materials which are insensitive to mechanical shocks and flames but explode with great violence when set off by explosive shock. The explosion is achieved by detonating small amount of primary explosives in contact with high explosives like lead azide and lead styphnate which are highly susceptible to initiation.  Pentaerythritoltetranitrate can be synthesized from methanal/formaldehyde (CH 2

Why eating banana is beneficial to those who quit smoking cigarette (tobacco)?

Quitters of cigarette smoking usually find it very stressful during the withdrawal period. This is always takes period of 2-3 weeks when they stop smoking. But do you know that these people can overcome this challenge by just eating banana which has great benefits to human life? Let’s understand what banana contains which is responsible for the same effect as nicotine in tobacco.  Banana contains tryptophan, which is the nonessential amino acid with aromatic side chain. Nonessential amino acids are amino acids that cannot be synthesized in our bodies but can be obtained from our diets. Tryptophan's structure consists of hydrophobic R-chain group (side chain) and this is called indolering (aromatic ring) which gives rise to nicotinate (niacin), indoleacetate, and serotonin.  This means that  tryptophan is a precursor in the synthesis of serotonin which is the contributor to the same effects of nicotine in our body. Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is a monoa