How to stop drinking and drug addiction using passion plant

Alcohol is one of top three problems in public health. It is the third global leading cause of premature death and ill-health. For, instance, in Europe, ethanol (alcohol) is the third risk factor for mortality and disease, after high blood pressure and tobacco. Over the past years, the misuse of therapeutic and the use of illegal drugs have increased significantly. Their effects are evidenced in different parts of the world. The adverse effects of substance abuse and alcohol cannot be accentuated. Every community is fighting it. According to research (KMS workers based in Nairobi) conducted by Pamela N. Kaithuru , the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Kenya reveals that 33% of workers drink alcohol. She further argues that alcohol has an effect on the quality and rate of work.  49% of interviewees agreed that alcohol results in reduced work rate and poor quality of work.

According to NACADA (National Agency for Campaign Against Drugs Authority) and WHO (World Health Organization) indicate that there are approximately 33% of people who drink alcoholic beverages worldwide. In 2005, over 6.13 litres of pure alcohol were consumed per individual aged 15 and above. 28.6% of these consumed litres were homemade (illicit brew).

Many are struggling to stop drinking or to refrain from drug addiction. It is not easy to get out of the hook once you have been hooked (once you start drinking). You have tried many ways, both cheap and expensive ways to get out from this den but all are in vain. Do you know you can solve this problem by using passion flowers? Yes, you can. Passion plant has sedative properties.

Studies conducted by administering passion flowers at first days of alcohol, heroine to the affected persons indicated a positive result (relieved these people from drug addictions) (Pamplona-Roger 55). The passion infusion of flowers and leaves makes the withdrawal signs (‘cold turking’) more easily tolerated with less physical effects on the body. The sedative of passion infusion (flowers and leaves) actions enable better endurance for consumption of drug on drug addicts and alcoholics, therefore, the anxiety of abstinence.

Preparation of passion flowers and leaves infusion

  • Add 100 grams of dried-grounded passion leaves and flowers into one litre of water 
  • Thoroughly stir the mixture a suitable or metal rod 
  • Sieve using tea-strainer 
  • Sweetening-add honey to best suit your taste (optional) 
  • Leave the set-up to sit for two to three minutes 
  • Drink two to three cups (200ml) daily

N.B: - The passion infusion must be used under the medical supervision.

Works Cited
Kaithuru N., Pamela. Alcoholism and its Impact on Work Force: a Case Study of Kenya Meteorological Station, Nairobi.  Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence, 2015, ISSN: 2329-6488.
Pamplona-Roge, Do, George . Plants that Heal: Passion Plant. Spain, 2012, 54-55. 


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